66% of UK mums say lack of empathy and understanding contributes to feelings of invisibility.

Christmas Presence

December 25, 20235 min read

Welcome to the Mumstoppable blog! This week we are hitting the pause button after a busy few weeks, as we turn Christmas presents into Christmas presence.

For those of you that want to listen - click below to play the podcast:


Otherwise, you can read this week’s show notes below:

Hi Mama and MERRY CHRISTMAS! We made it, Mamas! We survived the madness of the lead-up to Christmas, so first and foremost WELL DONE! You should be really proud of everything you’ve achieved in the last few weeks, because I am sure it’s not been easy.

And for those of you who’ve been working through the Coaching Corner tips and Coaching Challenges, a special well done to you! You’ve gone above and beyond in working on yourself, as well as surviving the holidays. I hope you’ve found them useful and that you’ll continue using the tools in the coming weeks.

Now, this week we are going to do something a bit different, to celebrate the fact that we have survived another Christmas, and also to celebrate you, Mama! So we are turning from Christmas presents to Christmas presence!

But, it wouldn’t be Mumstoppable if we didn’t kick things off with a stat, and this one once again comes from Peanut App’s “State of Invisibility” report, which found that:

66% of UK mums say lack of empathy and understanding contributes to feelings of invisibility.

66% of UK mums say lack of empathy and understanding contributes to feelings of invisibility. They frequently feel dismissed, invalidated or that their struggles are overlooked. And moving deeper into this, they yearn for acknowledgement.

There is also a gorgeous quote within the report which I want to read to you as follows:

"It's assumed I can handle anything that can come my way"

As a coach I am often playing two roles when working with my clients - I am their avid supporter, cheerleading from the sidelines, and also their fearless challenger, asking difficult questions to challenge their way of thinking - all with the aim of moving my clients forwards towards achieving their goal. 

Bearing in mind the above stat and quote, I want today’s post to be ALL about me cheering you on, Mamas. I want you to know how incredible I think you are for everything you’ve been to in the lead up to Christmas, but also since you became a Mama. Motherhood is not easy, and the holiday season makes it even harder given the extra stress of making it magical for everyone around you. But you’ve done it - you’ve survived. Not everything will have been perfect, and Mama that’s okay! And you should celebrate everything you have achieved this holiday season, and thank YOURSELF for having done it!

And that leads me to our quote of the week - which is this…

Being a mum is the best reason you’ll ever have to take care of yourself

Because you’ve been through SO much in the last few weeks (and even before then!), so now is the time to replenish your energy by taking proper care of yourself. And I DO NOT mean by having a hot bath, Mama…. Because that’s not going to cut it, I’m afraid. 


Now, I’m actually going to jump straight into #coachingcorner because I am too excited to wait any longer to give you your Christmas gift, which is a gorgeous self-love and confidence meditation to take care of yourself and replenish your energy ahead of new year.


And that leaves me with one final thing for today’s post…. Setting your coaching challenge for the week! And this is a simple one, Mamas. But it’s an audio one I’m afraid!

I challenge you to BE KIND TO YOURSELF this week. And I want you to do that by replenishing your energy, using the meditation recording, which you can access anytime you want by coming back to the podcast episode linked above (the meditation starts at 06:00).

The aim here is for you to feel re-energised and ready tackle whatever life throws at you when we next meet, which will be on New Year’s Day!! So I’m planning a busy episode to kick off the new year, and I want you to be rested, replenished and ready for it. So give yourself permission to relax this coming week (as much as you can with kids who need you!).  You’ve got this!!

That brings us to the end of this week’s blog! Thank you once again for joining me, and well done for spending the last 30 mins doing something just for you! 

Enjoy working through this week’s coaching corner tips, and as always, I would LOVE to hear how you’re getting on with the coaching challenge, so please feel free to send me a quick email at [email protected] or find me on Instagram at @mumstoppable_ and send me a DM or leave a comment on one of my posts. 

You will also be able to find reminders of the coaching corner tips and details of the coaching challenge on Instagram towards the end of the week.

Over the coming weeks I’ll be talking to you about challenges facing mums ranging from feeling lost and like you don’t know who you are anymore, to surviving overwhelm as a mum, to motherhood and the strains that puts on your relationships, to the struggle of returning to work. Please also feel free to email me with any challenges you’re facing which you’d like me to cover off on upcoming sessions.

If you’ve liked what you’ve read today, please do sign up to my newsletter by heading over to mumstoppable.com. By signing up, you’re guaranteeing you’ll never miss a blog post (or Podcast episode!) as they will land directly in your inbox every Monday morning.

For now, though, have an awesome week, and remember:

I see you, Mama. 

You’ve got this. 

You are Mumstoppable!


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Carly Nair

As a certified coach and mum of two boys, I am passionate about empowering women to feel MUMSTOPPABLE, by bringing the magic of coaching to as many mums as possible.

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